Pop Culture Junction

Pop Culture Junction offers everything you never wanted to know about nothing important.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

R.I.P. Mr. Wizard

Don Herbert, best known as Mr. Wizard, lost his battle with cancer yesterday at the age of 89. He educated, entertained and made science seem fun.

I remember watching his show, Mr. Wizard's World, with my brother when we were kids. He always seemed kind and was a great teacher.

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Gray Report: Tom Hulce

Oh deary me. I just commented to someone yesterday that gray hair on men is somewhat regal looking. I think I may have to take that back.

Amadeus is a film near and dear to my heart, as I used to be a clasically-trained pianist. Now I'm just somebody who knows how to play the piano, but back in the day I could tear it up on the ivories. Tom Hulce was a little hottie as Wolfie and that may or may not be why Mozart is my favorite classical composer to this day. (Fun fact: Christine Ebersole, who last night won the Tony for Best Leading Female in a Musical for her performance in Grey Gardens was also in Amadeus, as the seductive Soprano Katerina Cavalieri.)

Imagine my dismay while watching the Tony Awards as I hear a familiar voice that is coming out of a face & body that looks like that of a reclusive scientist. Now I'm all about the big guys. In fact, I prefer men with some meat on their bones. But scary old man glasses and bushy beards, not so much. The 2nd photo is reminiscent of a mug shot. I suppose I could get past that, knowing that he is a brilliant Broadway producer. On second thought, no. The beard must go, Tom. Please call me so we can discuss.