Pop Culture Junction

Pop Culture Junction offers everything you never wanted to know about nothing important.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Cheers! Lance Bass comes out!

Lance Bass, former member of the now defunct boy band N*Sync, confirmed to People magazine that he is gay and involved with Amazing Race winner Reichen Lehmkuhl. "I'm more liberated and happy than I’ve been my whole life," the ex-boy-bander told the magazine.

I'm happy that he feels comfortable and can live his life out in the open. What's the big deal anyway? Being gay is about as important as being straight - it's just not that important.

But I guess his acting in On The Line was better than I thought.

Monday, July 24, 2006

The End is Near

Tina Fey announced that she will be leaving Saturday Night Live to work on her newest NBC project, the upcoming 30 Rock, a new NBC dramedy based on - shocker - a late-night comedy sketch show. Rachel Dratch is also leaving the show to focus on her role in 30 Rock.

In news of the future, SNL is cancelled, Tina Fey shows up on The Surreal Life, a recovering crack addict looking for a comeback, and Rachel Dratch is found wondering the streets of NYC, naked with a baby arm stuck to her forehead, screaming "I am Sheldon!"