Pop Culture Junction

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Spooky Blast from the Past: Tales from the Darkside

Man lives in the sunlit world
of what he believes to be reality.
But, there is, unseen by most, an underworld,
a place that is just as real,
but not as brightly lit...

Growing up, I really loved horror movies, books & shows like Tales From The Darkside, the 80's weak version of The Twilight Zone.

My favorite episodes?

"Inside the Closet" definitely comes to mind. And wouldn't you know, you can watch the whole episode on YouTube! (Google hasn't f-ed it up yet!)

A young woman in grad school rents a room in the huge old house of a strict college professor. While moving in, the girl discovers the small closet in her room contains....well, you watch and see.



My next favorite episode is "A Case of the Stubborns." Grandpa dies at home in the middle of the night, and as the family grieves him, Grandpa comes downstairs, announcing he decides he really isn't dead. As his grandson (played by a young, non ass-grabbing Christian Slater) tries to prove to Gramps that he is, in fact, a goner, Grandpa's body begins to stink and rot. What does it take to convince Grandpa he really croaked? He blows his nose and his nose falls off into the hanky. Sorry, Pops!

I would love to see Tales from the Darkside come to DVD.

The Darkside is always there
waiting for us to enter,
waiting to enter us.
Until next time,
try to enjoy the daylight.


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